Monday, January 16, 2012

Art is a Spiritual Practice

Molly instructing at the Presbyterian Women's Retreat

Making art is an ancient spiritual practice (see Exodus 35), and Molly Elkind practices a lot! Molly is the team leader of L'Art (the Liturgical Art Team) and a professional artist and art instructor. The spotlight is on Molly in this post because she has been honored by being interviewed for Art is Worship Radio. The host, Vanessa Lowry, interviews artists of different faiths on the common theme of how they use inspiration and creativity as an expression of their spirituality. Molly was interviewed in January and the podcast can heard on Empower Radio

Opening Night at Molly's Solo Show at Mercer University

Molly holds an MA in Studio Art, with a concentration in Fibers, and her work has been exhibited in juried shows locally and nationally, as well as being included in private collections.
Molly loves this work that allows her "to say yes instead of no. Yes to the possibilities. Yes to creativity. Yes to making mistakes and picking up and going on. Yes to that uncertain process of creating. Making art allowed me to do that. What I realized in the process of making art was that this was bigger than me. There was something else going on here besides my own brain and my own abilities. There is a creative force that is moving through me and that allowed me to come back to a life of faith."

Molly works large!

L'Art is blessed to have such a talented leader.