By the spring of 2007, Molly and Nancy had recruited more members and formed the Liturgical Arts Team. Nancy and Molly were joined by Sheryl W. and LaRhonda W., with Peter L. providing technical assistance. For their first “group” project, they designed an installation called “The Prayers of the People” which was installed for Easter morning, 4/8/2007, and was left up for several weeks.
The team began the project by soliciting prayers from all members of the congregation. The prayers were written on slips of pre-cut pieces of paper. Hundred of prayers were collected - prayers of thanks, confession, intercession ... prayers from children ... prayers about life or death matters ... prayers about personal issues and prayers for our church, community, and world. The prayer slips were sewn to long, white strips of fabric, forming prayer banners. These banners were draped like streamers from the ceiling in the narthex, forming a canopy effect. These pictures show the "Presbyterian sweatshop", as we sew the hundreds of prayer slips to the dozens of banners. Also shown is the installation process, and the finished piece.
The team received a lot of positive feedback from this installation, emboldening them to continue their efforts of bringing an art ministry to APC.

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