As the season of Advent approached, L'Art agreed to undertake a project that was gaining momentum: replacement of the tattered Chrismon symbols. What is a Chrismon? It's the combination of two words: Christ and Monogram. Chrismons are symbols of Christ. Chrismons were first used by a Lutheran church in Danville, VA to decorate a tree in 1957, in an attempt to reclaim the celebration of Christmas from the secular.
Our church has been putting up a Chrismon tree in the sanctuary during the season of Advent for years. The original styrofoam symbols were looking a bit worse for the wear. Joel L. and Peter L. graciously agreed to use their woodworking skills and tools to cut out dozens and dozens of wooden symbols.
During a Fun Wednesday evening of arts and crafts, L'Art organized both children and adults as they painted the symbols gold and white. Nell D. headed up the team that prepared the tree and greens, and the entire church was invited to participate in our first annual "Hanging of the Greens" Worship Service.
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